Coaching Germany

Coaching in Germany

Support where it really matters

We regard coaching as a special form of professional support. In Germany and in German language, too.

The client acts as a permanent interface between individual and organization, so we focus on his or her professional role and professional personality. Coaching provides support for the ‘career within’, releases hidden potential, counterbalances misdirected developments, resolves developmental fixation and allows the processing of sensitive weak spots and uncertainties.

Individual coaching

Individual coaching is aimed primarily at members of the management. In the course of this coaching, managers work with a trusted coach in a highly personalized, target-oriented setting to discuss and resolve questions about their own respective roles, positions and personalities. The coach acts as a neutral conversation partner, who is also his coachee’s helper and guide along the path of individual personal development.

Team coaching

We offer other employees group advice sessions as a more cost-effective alternative (group coaching, team coaching). The majority of our coaches are economists, business administration graduates, psychologists or teachers. They have a broad and comprehensive counseling knowledge base, combining elements of cognitive, psychoanalytical and systemic counseling techniques with knowledge of organizational psychology, management theory and the dynamics of change processes.

Your coach

A coach must fulfill certain essential requirements concerning his or her personality, knowledge of methods and professional training. Your coach will have many years of experience in a senior managerial position or as a counselor and trainer, as well as a profound knowledge and understanding of how to encounter and deal with the forces, obstacles and resistance factors commonly found in a business environment. You and your coach will work together, making use of his or her theoretical knowledge and practical experience, with the aim of creating the best possible plan of action to deal successfully with change, shifting circumstances and professional reorientation, and converting them into points in your favor.

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